The Mask Diaries

Book Name: The Mask Diaries
ISBN: 978-93-86377-48-7
Pages: 230
Price: Rs. 295.00

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About the Author: A graduate of Delhi University, Abhinav Goel is a Chartered Accountant and a banker. Besides helping the economy flourish, he wears many other hats. A certified career and life coach helping people find breakthroughs in life. His deep interests in spirituality, psychology and the para-normal urged him to write his first novel - The Mask Diaries for which he has sourced knowledge and inspiration from his frequent interactions with spiritual masters, renowned psychologists and the scriptures.

About the Book: It is a fascinating story that spans five decades and takes you from the foothills of the Himalayas to the dubious lanes of Paris and mysterious countryside in the Hungarian Urals. The book will make you confront your own masks, the ones that remain hidden beneath your smile.
